This weekend these lovelies in lovely paper arrived in the post. Hello Martha! Hello Oprah!
Thank you NJ!
And whilst this all looks lovely
I am taking my lead form Oprah and March is 40 Drawers!
(Haven't quite finished the computer de clutter but nearly, about three quarters of the way to being happy and just two big things to finish, the story and getting the printer working)
But during the day I can start on my stores, so here is 1/40 drawers.
This has easily looked like this for a couple of years. Shame on me.
This is a huge curtain that I bought years ago it needs minor repair in one corner and it has a place to hang but I worry that the cat will claw it, or worse wee on it so I haven't put it up.
I don't think I've been waiting for her to die and I think I should just risk it as she might ignore that fine detail that she could get her nails into.
A bag of linens, there are a couple of things in here that I will never part with but tell me FMH, what do I do with them. No to cushions and patchwork throws.
Maybe I can make a nightie?
Two scarves knitted and crochet for the girls and never finished and a length of pink knitting felted that's 14 years old and I am not sure what to do with it.
Grey stripey smock that makes me look preg and does nothing for me. Dark grey stripey that does lots for me but is over worn. Multi stripe TOAST pj's that are split in the rear and split every time I repair and put them on. White with broken stripe tunic that looks like I should be painting in St. Ives but doesn't make me look like that when I put it on.
The dark grey doesn't make the cut.
One of G's and my shrunken jumper along with shrunken socks, a gift from FMH when I just had T six years ago. They get to stay but only if I turn them into a bear of some sorts by the end of the week.
Couple of jumpers, some fabric, bag of lavender from the garden, some sewing kits that just won't get started. All for the pile of stuff that has to go.
Fabric for a box of scraps that will make it into a sale.
The girls have been clearing their toys by the bucket load and there is a huge pile of things for a car boot.
It's not neat but it is reduced by half and that is a start.
Meanwhile what do you make of this as a past time?
Off to make dinner and nurse a cold AND I picked up a cold sore on the school run, beautiful.