Saturday, 30 June 2012

Bits of Stuff

Today I walked round the big block whilst T rode the trike, I felt lifted somewhat. I think it's the weather warm and breezy.

Do you remember this ad for Frys Turkish Delight?

I used to think that the lady in it was the most glamorous I'd seen on colour television, enthralled by her eye makeup.

This is T the other morning with the scarves it's the best scarf dress up yet she is just missing the eye make up and all that sand.

One of the early Dr. Who/Zed Cars cast members lives a few doors down from us and over the years we have become great friends. Earlier in the year he accidentally cut through his red ribbon and I offered to fix it well at least have a go.

I've never had the time with the matched energy required but last night everything was aligned and I sat down to it. Due to the nature of the stringing where AB had cut with the scissors he had well and truly stuffed it and despite pulling it back there was nothing I could do to fix it.

So I thought I'd have a crack at making a new one, at about 11pm

Well my African bead-work skills are limited. Despite these beads being slightly larger that the originals they still don't always fit over the needle which you need to push through the thread as well as the bead.
I miss calculated the amount of beads across, it was late, so I have a square in the center of my ribbon but I think it is ok and I only had cotton perle. It looks like the original uses floss.

It's not bad. Too many knots. It's not great. First attempt ever so I am happy and so is AB which is all that matters but I think we can safely say that I am done with the tiny beads.

The tiny beads in store upstairs which were given to me in Spain when I was about 16 will now be quickly used up in necklaces for the girls and that chapter will close forever and I will never buy anymore!


This morning I was buying supplies when FMH asked if I wanted to come and walk Big Nose as she was down for the weekend, I grabbed my milk and cherries and jumped at the chance.

There is a dog in this photo.

It really was lovely out there and I will continue to look at this pic and remind myself it is good not to lock oneself away.

Out for the Day with G tomorrow, no kids.......................not sure if I will cope...if my hormones kick in he might have trouble getting me in the car.

Will have to see


Thursday, 28 June 2012

Mmmmm ponder ponder ponder

It appears I've been sluggish with posting, so many things whizzing round in the head space at the moment. Nothing really that would particularly bother anyone but me but all the same it's enough to raise doubts and anxiety levels.

T has been in a school musical concert 3 nights of staying out in till 7pm. The house is being turned inside out in her absense and de cluttlered again. I think that is the fourth time this year.
Is there anything left.

I just want to get to the basics of living, do we really need a sofa?

Last night we went to see her perform it was awesome.
She is in reception class, that is 4 going on 5 years old and they have been rehearsing/learning songs for this concert for a couple of months.

At 5 she can sing all of or part of

National Antheme
Jubilee Song - Original score for the whole school that last a good 4 minutes so a proper number
The Frog Chorus - Paul McCartney
I get by with a little help from my friends - ? Beatles - I'm not the biggest fan
Reach for the Stars - S Club 7
Plastic Flower - From the musical Whistle Down The Wind we are not sure of the correct title...
We Are The Champions - Queen

I was blown away and I blubbed like a woos watching her.....she's five I don't know the lyrics to that many songs.
I was so far back I couldn't tell you if she sounded any good.
She was dressed like a frog and shone like a star as far as I was concerned.

I tried to talk to her about it when we got home, honestly it was as if the whole experience never happened she can be like a stone sometimes!

G is off to see it tonight with his mum if he doesn't produce tears I think we will row later!

I think I put too many images of the girls on this blog and wonder if it is too much sometimes. Having said that here is a load showing P giving some pom poms what for.

I have nothing to report other than this is our families favorite tune at the moment
Feist 1, 2, 3, 4.

It is possibly the best thing to sing and I am sure Feist feels the same way too

Right, kitchen floors and dinner to make.


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Brighton Wheel on Fathers Day

So I had planned for Fathers Day and prepped last week. Following a conversation from my oldest friend a hundred years ago she mentioned that mothers and fathers day is really to do with the children and with that I keep the budget to the minds eye of a five and two year old.

G had made me a great breakfast so I returned the favour

T played waitress and P just played.
There were gifts too. A space jigsaw, bucket of sugary sweets, Toblerone and two custom T Shirt from the girls with various hand prints, planets, stars and space stuff drawn all over them.
Plus the smallest kite in the world from me.

To be honest I think G was expecting a relaxing morning/breakfast but I had a schedule and it was running a good half hour behind to he had to wolf down the meal and get onto the gifts as we needed to be out the door for 09:45.
But I was only serving breakfast by then and we all needed showers.

I had bought tickets for the BRIGHTON WHEEL.
I had even checked to see how much the parking meter was so we could park and then I could make our way to a party that T had been invited to.
We made it out the door  after 10 and I thought with enough time to fit it all in.


London to Brighton or some other cycle ride meant that time ran away even more.

Now I have been on the London Eye and that was fine.
I have also been on a wheel in the Tuileries which was not fine in any shape or form.

Mrs B in Madrid I think plays the game what is the least amount of money would you take to travel on the London eye unharnessed on the outside?

This wheel looks graceful traveling round when you drive past it, when you stand under it, it packs a mean pace so when I bought the ticket I was having doubts as to whether I would enjoy the experience.

I didn't. I closed my eyes when traveling up to the top and didn't open them again until we were coming down and looking at the spokes turning made me feel really queasy.

Never the less the views are amazing if you can look out the window long enough. I thought I might press the button that is there for you if you are not doing so well and they let you off at the next rotation but G firmly let me know I wasn't pressing it.

We went round 4 times and it's quite fast.

The London Eye is elegant like a Manhattan Hotel this is more like a Travel Lodge. If you weren't keen on this fair ground ride as a teenager it's likely you'll feel nervous on the Brighton Wheel because when it's capsule is swinging around it feels like the next step up

If you can relax when the capsule is stationary at the top then it's a great and a really excellent
Fathers Day Treat.

The girls loved it but maybe that is because they are too young to be terrified like their mother!

Peppermint tea and off to bed

Friday, 8 June 2012

A Wedding on a Wednesday

G Wight and E White got married.

He is fondly referred to as Monkey in our house by T. He is a quite furry but more than that he is Gorilla Alpha Male.

Also on this Wednesday Venus aligned between the earth and the sun not that G saw it as it was cloudy.
The rest of the day was rainy drizzle but that didn't take the shine off two people we really love getting hitched.

I bought T a proper dress and she's has tried it on everyday since I bought it. On the morning of the wedding she had it on at 6am asking if we could leave now?
Before T started school she would always wear a vest, where ever we went and if she had a T shirt on then at some point she would ditch that in favour for the vest underneath. 
For some reason the vest came out again, really? yes she said just incase.

P's blue and white number is mine and I wore it when I was three.

P drank about a pint of orange juice and did manage to poop through the eye of a needle mid afternoon. There was a karaoke machine in a side room and T sung S Club &'s Reach without need to refer to the lyrics, G just shook his head in disbelieve because she learned that at the school where we pay for her to attend.

I'm buying them both microphones for Christmas but have yet to decide whether or not to introduce them to pop music as they were a bit out of their depth when it came to singing options. Luckily all that Mamma Mia that they have watched helped them out.

Me and the girls took a taxi home and were in bed for 9pm.
G helped the Gorilla in to bed about 11:30 before coming home.


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Jubilee Tuesday

I think I had planned to watch Diamond Jubilee TV on Tuesday morning but I can't think what happened but it probably involved washing and tidying up.

Actually it did. We all made an effort to clear rooms and sort toys.

The camping stuff is still out.

So the whole country, except those that had to work and those who don't like the royals took the day off to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II, 60 years on the throne.

I really like her.
I think she illuminates but not in these pics from Google images, they are awful quality but they're images of her that I'm fond of.

In the afternoon we were invited to a street party!

So super cool despite the rain falling down and hardly stopping.

So this is what happens, you apply to your council to close the road, everyone parks somewhere else and decorates their houses beautifully.
Just like that!

Then just as in those old glorious photos, tables are brought together, sausages and sandwiches are served, children run around and community happens.

This photo makes me happy because we are sold the Cath Kidston and Jamie Oliver images, Waitrose is the most guilty of a British day dream and actually it is raining so hard that if the tables were cleared of anything the rest would blow away!

It was the best afternoon ever!


Monday - Half Term

Whilst this one sleeps

Love the print on this smock - It's by LEGO. Printed Lego one day?

the other one plays

Bought this at a car boot a few years ago. The idea is to spin the disc and remove the colours without knocking the man off the top.

Some games are better played when little P's crushing hands and feet are at rest.

We have a friend who's daughter is is off to the Prom in emerald green silk that has been cut in a 50's pattern and needs a bag to match.

So mother and daughter came over to look at some handbags and a possible shoes option that meant I got the 'suitcase of clothes that will never fit me again but I refuse to throw away" out.

While the T slept for the night it was P's turn to play.

A lovely evening of chatter and when they had left and it was really late P and I stayed up even later and watched the fireworks go off over Buckingham Palace following the Jubilee concert that must have been amazing if you were there but appalling if at home.

So tired.

T had been given some Jubilee gifts at the end of half term from the school

She tells me that the coin must never be spent and the mug you can actually drink from.
If the weather was so be fine on the Jubilee she had picked her red white and blue outfit along with pearls.