Thursday, 21 March 2013

Camber Sands Caravan

Nana's birthday, one of those big birthday's that means we all go away for the weekend.
A Caravan in Camber Sands.

I've never been in a caravan/mobile home before apart from that one a couple of years ago in France, does that count?
I'd been told pack extra blankets as it was likely to be freezing.

From the left the lounge area looked like this.

all the way round and then if you sit in the right angle seat and table you look back to this and the kitchen.

This is T on the first night, she wanted to come back to our van, the family hired three caravans, I thought to go to bed but actually to do some colouring then watch a movie before falling asleep.
She hadn't been well in the week and she wasn't right till Sunday lunch.

Wasn't cold at all in fact the heating was better than in any home I've ever been in.
Boy did it blow and I couldn't work out why the van wasn't rocking.
The noise of the wind didn't bother me but I still woke up early with a stuffy nose as we had left the heating on.
This is the view around 6am.

I can't work out what I think of caravans. I think if you like looking at lots of other caravans and not a view then this could be the place for you.
Talking to the family it sounds like camping, one site is different to the next, great view, freezing caravan or amazing public facilities versus temperamental hot water.
This was the first weekend of the season so everything was spotless and I was amazed at how well our abode was presented I am not sure it looks the same in late August when the endless families and stags have passed through.

Had a great time but not my first choice of places to stay would like to go back and see what Camber Sands looks like when it is not blowing a bloody gale.

G and I had a bit of a date managed about 50 meters before turning back.
I'd lucked out by buying a sensible windproof waterproof knee length mac (sale) the week before so lived in this with wellibobs. I've never looked so organised in my life and from November I am only shopping in those Mountain Rescue shops where they sell things fur lined, there is nothing on the high street for weather like this.

Gareth likes the blue on on the right because of the the sealed units, but I just know FMH and I would prefer the left with the original wood work and glazing.

What was strange was driving back West, we were about 3 miles outside of Hastings town and we stopped for petrol. Residential area but a thoroughfare road, the light was amazing having just rained and it must have been about 5pm. Only about three cars drove past. It seemed like we were in a town that observed a precious Sunday.
Lots of people in their front rooms and not down the shopping center. It reminded me of being 10 again and out walking the dog in a quiet town.

Managed to do some sewing too and even finished turning cashmere socks into something sweet.
G is in London and I am desperate for the girls to be in bed.
Last day of term tomorrow and I just can't tell how I feel about it.
If T doesn't stop being a bossy boots and singing the first line of Gangnam Style I might just have to squish her like a fly and who showed her the dance?


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