Sunday, 23 December 2012

December 23/25

So I don't feel well today, achy joints from trailing the shops yesterday, usually I'd take a taxi home but the girls got piggy banks for their birthdays and stripped my wallet of change. So no coins to pay the bill, it was a nice walk. Also there seems to be a lot virus around and my head feels like a hangover in a vice and I got very little quality sleep last night as both girls were in with me watching the Strictly final and I didn't have the strength to carry them into their own beds when they fell asleep.

Did you see this circus gym themed show dance?

In the bag Flav!

Anyway feel really ropey which is annoying because today was the day to clean the house and then relax tomorrow but I feel really hot and cold and not very happy about getting the hoover out.

T keeps telling me that it's however many days and sleeps until the big one and is really excited I only hope she has a nice day.

When we were at that party in town the other eve a rather nice man was telling me about an event that had happened on the Tube involving Kim Wilde.
He went on to say how fab he thought she was back in the 80's and now, I couldn't see it. I remember as a teen she was just that little bit different and I could never put my finger on what made feel uncomfortable but having watched this to the end I think I am in agreement she is pretty awesome.

Right off to try and put things in the right place and find a shot of Vit C


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