If ever P wakes up from her naps alone, I might be in the kitchen or pottering then she won't enter the room without a disguise.
This is from this afternoon and this happens most days.
She randomly naps for hours at a time and doesn't care if that means she keeps us awake till late until she is tired again.
It is getting better but today I doubt if she will sleep until tomorrow.
Yesterday morning she woke me up looking like this
She doesn't always like to be spoken to either.
Such a teenager.
So the girls had a daddy led day and none of the problems that he had were his fault it is just that I forgot that it was Sunday.
It started with G and the girls driving to Nana's to see if her fence was still standing after the gales last night.
He forgot the keys so had to look over the high back gate with the girls hanging out under their umbrellas.
Then they headed off to the shopping center as I had put in a request for some much needed wellies for T.
G called me from the center car park, I could hear the girls agitated in the back ground it was 10:10 and the shops don't open till 11:00.
Call it a day I said, no he said.
I believe they went to a coffee shop faces were pulled and over priced smoothies and muffins were consumed
I then heard that that things were going well in the wellie shop but there was a queue and a ticket system in place
Then quickly followed a retracted text message P had pooed and he was not happy. Neither one of us had to mention that he hadn't taken the nappy bag with him. I was helpful in suggesting where the nearest shop and baby change were.
The girls like to ride the escalator lots. T decided to show daddy she was a growing girl and wouldn't hold his hand and there was a bit of a wobble that involved a face plant and that activity was cut short.
Then they were home and following a late night last night at an enjoyable grown ups birthday party, Happy Birthday Balders, they slept all afternoon.
Hope you are warm and dry this weekend
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