Saturday, 11 February 2012

The Good and the Bad

Yesterday whilst sitting in the kitchen I noticed P pulling out all the bottles from the buckets where I keep the condiments maybe she was sending me a message.

"you forgot this in the January clean up, call yourself a house wife?"

Cries of
"what do you think you're doing?"
 doesn't put it back on the shelf so I set my self a thirty minute challenge





To be honest the thirty minutes stretched ever so slightly because P who is 2 dragged me to the TV to watch the wedding scene in MeeMar which is what she calls the movie Mamma Mia....awful.

She is 2! how does she know what this stuff is?

It doesn't really look that different although it's nicer when you are standing next to it!
If this was a last year there would have a much easier spot the difference but remember last moth I stripped the house for a car boot which is probably why this job took half and hour and not three.

I forgot to check if anything was moldy.

So to the BAD

My ever growing daughter has been spending her time after school tying back her own hair adding ribbons and head bands and putting in clips so I thought for half term it might be nice to go into town and buy some of the above.

Ribbons and clips are affordable and it might be a nice mother and daughter outing for the two of us. I mentioned it to her last week and she was up for it today when P was asleep we made a break for it.

It was a disaster.

She wanted everything but anything that went in her hair.
That's not what we were there for and I wasn't budging.

Maybe I didn't prep enough, I usually say this is what we are doing, maybe she would have focused more.

I can't blame her we were in shops where there are things that little girls love.
When I explained that some things were too expensive or not appropriate to her credit she didn't even throw a strop so I have done something right.

But we did leave like lightening when she said that she never ever had anything new and needed something.
I don't think she really knew what was happening till she found herself fastening her car seat belt.

When I was younger I could go to the shops with my mother and look at things (it wasn't until my late teens that I just couldn't leave something behind on the shelf) and talk about how nice it was but it didn't mean that I needed it.

I need to rethink my parenting in this department.

I am frosty from this and over the weekend I shall come up with a plan


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