Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Ice Skating at the Palace

On the weekend we went to the Brighton Pavilion to do a little ice skating.
Gareth said should we take P?
I said that I didn't want to miss T on the ice if he took her and I am sure anything T wanted to do then so would P.
We booked a family ticket.
The information said that it was suitable to take a 2 year old so I wasn't completely crazy in trying out the idea.

The photos are rubbish because it's difficult to juggle two children and an uninsured iPhone on ice skates.

I am probably too tired to be funny but it's an experience that we might not repeat in a while.

What is it about middle class Brighton and Hove they fear relaxing in a queue even when they have time to get to the end without missing out. They have to keep moving whilst talking ever so loudly whilst their ever so independent children talk about being ever so independent.

P really couldn't wait to put anyones skates on. They advertised these double blade skates for tiny tots but the girl at the counter said that they had hardly any and those that they did have were broken. So we put on the normal skates as she would be able to push one of those child friendly fiber glass penguin.
The child friendly section of the rink was at the far end which was very helpful and there was a bit of a fight to get a penquin. We luckily got to share with some friends

It was clear within 10 minutes that P wasn't loving it as she refused to put her feet down so we watched for a while from the side.

Before going in and changing into our shoes.

There is a big white marquee with chandeliers attached to the rink and here is the restaurant with a menu and table service and everything.
You can watch the skating while you eat.
The bar is so sticky you peel your arm from it and the glass of apple juice that P and I shared is twice the price of the carton from which it was poured.
Here you can find more middle class yelling as people panic for somewhere to sit, either on a table or an array of sticky leatherette chesterfields.

Back on the ice T was being whizzed round by G who had taught her feet straight and glide.

It would have been great if there had been a hand rail for smaller children because anyone under the age of nine was struggling to hold on as well as stand up.


There was a lot of falling over from everyone and I think a good time was had I certainly enjoyed the afternoon. T fell over only once which I think is a great success but she has openly said she never wants to go ice skating again.
Fair enough.

We then had a hot drinks milkshakes and cakes with friends in the museum cafe that at 4:15 on a Sunday afternoon is quiet and uncluttered. They do the best cake and if you fancy a home made mince pie these looked amazingly buttery.

If I lived round the corner I would go here every day.


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