Do I want to make a Christmas quilt?
YES! but there is no time to make it.
T and I have been curling up under the blanket reading in the evenings, she is getting a bit confused with It, Is and In but we will get there in the end and I was thinking that we have Christmas books and toys that we bring out on the first week of December why not have a quilt.
I just borrowed these pics from Google images sorry if I have not asked permission and I should have.
I thought maybe I could buy some Christmas fabric and make a start in the spring? I am such an Aquarian!
I also thought it might be a nice project to do with some gals round the big table but then that would mean numerous sewing machines in the house and that is a whole lot more equipment than is probably necessary but maybe I could think about a little craft making evening with friends in the New Year.
Today I went to the Dr.
Last week my ankle scar decided to leak so I made an appt. I also found a lump underneath my arm on Saturday so I thought that I would get that checked and as I was there update the floppy neck, a 3 in 1.
Scar is fine.
Lump is probably a swollen sweat gland, Dr. started to talk about ladies shaving their under arms I came clean and said it wasn't high on my priorities this month but I had made an effort for this appointment.
Floppy neck - he had a good feel with gloves on as the original Dr. who saw me for this problem has something funny going on with her neck!! I am so pleased! I am not neck crazy!
What concerned me is that this is flu season and they have bunting in the reception area highlighting that FLU CAN KILL, why would you print that on bunting? Bunting is pinned up for celebration, dying from flu is surely no cause for a party.
Maybe I should write to the practice manager. I think I can fit that in before Christmas.
You really make me smile, lovely Catherine x