Monday, 31 October 2011

A Bit of a Hollow Hallow.

Long time no post.

STILL not fully functioning in the neck department Dr. says that its a virus that I am recovering from and I have had lots of feeling better days but I think I am tense as I have realised how much anxiety has ruined my life over the past 10 weeks (not to mention 10 years) and I have managed to get myself in such a state over still not being fully up and running so I am still anxious and more so, sad.

Its difficult to lift the cloud.

Having said that I am loving the Autumn but it was warm here today and I am sure that I could have got a couple of loads out on the line but I was thrown with first day back at school after half term.

No picture, so you will have to use your imagination on this but T insisted on a high pony tail as close to the top of her head as possible with wispy bits hanging down. She has wispy hair anyway so I wasn't sure on the look. It was a cross between a mod and a Japanese warrior in blonde. she loved it and called it a 'chunkster sticker upper'
Ok I said and off she went
A chunkster sticker upper sounds like something a dog leaves on the pavement.

Walked out for milk the other day and it looked like this

Managed to bag up all the dead from the garden on Sunday, 5 bags of cuttings so ready for the frost, just got to sort out the pots.

We somehow managed to have four pumpkins to light this Halloween but my enthusiasm didn't get my decorations out which are more beautiful than goul but G carved these for the girls.

and this morning I sent these lollipops into school for T's class.

I am not sure what I feel about Halloween it certainly is all a rush so it might be nice to make more of an Autumnal celebration within the family especially as I am now loving the time of year.

Have knocked back a couple of pain killers so I am going up to bed and will feel fabulous tomorrow.

Who's started planning for Christmas?


1 comment:

  1. Sending you lots of love are doing great and you will be fine, I know for sure xxx
    The autumn milk pic is a taken a hop, skip and a jump away from my first date tongue sandwich with Balders. xxx
