Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Day Six - Day Before Take Off

OK, so tomorrow we go!
Everything is where is should be packed and on the dinning room table, seems like quite a lot.
This morning it didn't seem that much.

So managed to put the cat in the holiday home, clean the kitchen and the girls room, took delivery of their mattresses which are huge and I am not sure if they are ready for them but....... the lounge and kitchen are also clear and it feels like its seven o'clock but actually its half past nine gone. Penny was playing the chimp and refusing to go to bed.
She likes to do a late poo and it can often hold a schedule right up.

Also in other news we went to look at a house which has come on the market which we have always loved, there is a story to it and I'll share another time but I managed to get some photos

Even if I had the best camera in the world I don't think I could improve on these photos the light is just as it looks.

Its a large house with lots of rooms usually you can find a big house with not so many the space here has really been well thought about. Any how, its beautifully musty inside it really is like the old book that you don't know what to do with.
I am so sad that the lovely lady who doesn't live there any more didn't get to say goodbye to it but apparently she is happy where she is now and I would visit but I think that would confuse her more as she only knew me over the garden wall so to speak.

Anyway, tonight the only reason to buy this house is to save it from being carved up by the developers because despite appearances it really is rather lovely.

So tomorrow I am going to try T in some travel sick wrist bands and see if we can get to the caravan park without puke on our clothes because the smell will be with me all week.

Stay tuned I have technology with me and will update if there is a signal
Happy holidays

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