Monday, 7 February 2011

First Monday

great weekend, although officially not pregnant, never mind, will try later in the spring, but did feel a good half stone lighter on Saturday when i tackled the super market. in the afternoon i helped an enormous amount painting the new wardrobes and on Sunday I cleaned the inside on the car. great lunch on Sunday eve cooked by G and i bathed the girls which meant i missed Songs of Praise, which has become my new obsession since catching the Christmas special and i can't watch it on i player, it has to be when its on or the magic just isn't there.

sick of looking at it?

i shop in Waitrose usually the same time every week can get it done in a short time and always manage to spend a fair amount of money although not on the stuff that makes Waitrose expensive. i think both sides of my family think i am snobby for not going to tesco asda or lidel but really i think that it is probably all the same price when you are getting loo rolls bread cat food washing powder etc, i am sure if they look closely at their bills and see that by the time they have bought that bargain duvet set, roof rack, storage boxes/jars or on sale cardi boots slippers shoes their bills are probably a few pounds from where they should be. waitrose is my local i would have to spend more to go to a cheaper supermarket and i like the peace that you get in the isles at 8 in the morning

anyway last weekend i was in dairy when i looked at my trolley and realised that i would be putting all my shopping away in the cupboard on top of all the stuff i never use and i would have to look at it all again, so depressing. i don't keep anything just in case, if i suddenly need to cook something for guests then i nip out and buy fresh and its the same every week. so when i got home i got a nice basket and got rid. can't recommend it highly enough it was like getting a really good hair cut i can see whats in the basket i can quickly clear it or chuck it depending on how i feel, i am never going to make a lasagne but i probably will make jelly, but i wouldn't have done if it was still haunting me in the cupboard.

this week i made a menu of everything that i planned to cook, well i tell you i saved £25 and i can see everything in its place when its packed away lovely! Give it a try.

despite all this fantastic feeling, this is what my kitchen looked like shortly after lunch today.
(i haven't been robbed of doors i still haven't found what i'm looking for)

it's 90% better as i write this!

regards CM

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