The Grand Chuck!
As it goes, didn't really this month, last month!
February already.
The shelves in our spare room were imposing and it was depressing me.
This is a before.
I've decided to group all my items, on one side and G's on the other, that way I can go through it all again and again and again.
Boxes came down and were reduced in size. Everything I could let go of went.
This is the after.
I don't think it looks that much different. What I realise that until I sort out the contents of the baskets, which holds twenty five years of cloth hording then it is never going to look 'minimal', which is where I wan to be.
Minimal for me is nothing that isn't in contasnt use and a small amount of items that define my character and history.
The Typesetter was with me at the time, in the excitement of the shelves I didn't manage to photograph her sitting chatting to me on the end of the bed, wanting to include more people I love on the blog, she was rather horrified at my collection of Amazon brown paper!
All neatly folded it's a defining item!
Like everyone I have a bag of wrapping paper etc. Last year I managed to use every last bit and now I can either buy a sheet as necessary or delve into the Amazon collection
The bag needed a sort, it was a bit out of control.
I fear that the brown paper will never end so I might use the slightly waxed stuff to wrap the kids lunches.
Looking back at these photos I know I can be more ruthless.
In other news T got a gum shield for hockey and just for the hell of it P started wearing her wig.
Then it got cold. We have a small area of under floor heating in the bathroom, I think G left it on for a week!
He then taught the girls how to lay and maintain a fire, which they are excellent at.
They both sit close with their pokers ready for the crackle. T doesn't do the heat so well so really it is up to P to be on it.
Sometimes the odd spark flies and that's a shame because its a nylon carpet but hey ho.
Making memories.
Come on the dark days of Feb. this year I am ready for you!!
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