I write this blog so that as a family so we have a record of what we do and my thought processes to being at this stage of my life?
At the beginning of this year I sort of felt a slump in keeping up with regular postings and a noticed that too in other blogs that I have been reading for years maybe there was something in the internet water.
I have to remember that this is important because when I look back over the contents I get immense joy in remembering a day out etc so with that I am going to clear down my desk top here goes.
Oh! they've changed the way you up load I hope it isn't complicated.
Look at the hedge around the window, I secretly hanker after a 1960's home, defo gonna do this when that happens.
The hedge photo is from Into the GLOSS
and the underwear print is from The Selby
Both are daily reads here at the Homestead.
For all yo crochet crafters out there, isn't the starfish beautiful.
Should have cropped this photos or enlarged before posting but I deleted, on a recent trip to the IOW I took this photo, isn't the roof beautiful not to mention the brick work.
For Fathers day this year I got the girls to decorate some cloth and then we/me sewed the pieces up into a dad bag. Handy and he uses it kids crap.
Our stairs need painting, I was going to do them cream/posh bone, not so sure but quite like these!
Our stairs don't look like these, but they could do if I squint or remove my specs.
Big storage basket for toys etc? maybe I have a hook big enough but is that rug wool?
Guerrilla photo taking in a gallery a few years ago, I think I managed one more. Women working in war, why didn't I buy the program maybe it didn't have what I was after. There were some other paintings of ladies queuing for shopping, I'd love to know so much more.
Other than the dream 10960's bungalow at the top of this page it would have to be this stone box in
St. Pancras I could ramble round in that quite happily if you had all money and the means to buy. Bet those windows are crittall and let the draft in in winter, maybe they had them done.
So lets end with some Doughnuts, doughnuts on top of frosting on top of cake. Yep you'll need milk to wash it down because just looking at it feels a bit full on!
There are lots of photos on the desktop, many of them in groups for future posts, and I can't remember the reasons but the photos are lovely so I might just post them anyway for no good reason other than that.
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