Thursday, 30 May 2013

Recently Round and About.

T has been making knots again.

The modern Cottingley Fairy.

T crossing Zorbing off the list of things to do.

P not so happy that three year olds were not allowed in the Zorb ball she took comfort in the arms of her sister when I said I didn't believe she was five. I bought her a second ice-cream and promised we would return in a year and a half when she hits the right age.

It takes two years to make a sparkling Rose, honestly, think about it next time you open a bottle and chuck the remainder down the sink.

This years Easter baskets.

In another attempt to clear out forty drawers before 40, I hit the girls room.
Emptied everything either on to the bunk bed or into the hall. Wiped all the paint work, hoovered and then put back only the items that get played with which was less than half.

More knots whilst mountaineering.
T and I did a car boot a couple of weeks later cleared most of it and made £60.

T lost her slightly loose tooth by smashing it out on P's forehead. The other tooth is now even more wobbly and she pleads with me to take her to the dentist to get it pulled as eating is annoying.
T says she looks like Nanny McPhee. I wasn't ready for the change in her face it is all moving so fast.

P jumped off the sofa and hit the base of her nose on the coffee table. The blood that then poured out along with the swelling was incredible and over the next day or so she got a beaut of a bruise inside her mouth and all along the gum.
Amazed she still has any teeth after that one.

Lemonade stand at the community Spring Fair and home bakes at a coffee morning that I have started. The lemonade sold out but I am having issues promoting the coffee morning it appears I am not confident in selling myself and keep giving the cakes and biscuits away telling everyone the taste awful.
Oh dear.

I wanted one of these baths for ever. Don't think my behind would fit in it now.

P's first proper drawing, it's a mermaid.

What a bonnie baby boy!

Get this, 10 mins cost 3 tokens. Each token is £1.00. Bloody Hell!
It wasn't busy and we got about 20 minutes which is quite normal.

It is now half term, we have just come back from my first ever music festival. There is a city of Play Mobil in the lounge, T can now ride her bike, has new summer shoes and a chavy base ball cap that she won't take off. I am about to make a weekly menu before heading to the super market and at 7am this morning in the pouring rain I started Tai Chi again.
No silly suits or magic balls in this class thankfully.


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