Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Ear Infection

Yesterday I was walking with P to get music group. When and empty hearse and three shinny black limousines pulled up to a stop next to me.
"I'm not ready!" I screamed in my head and my heart pumped fast.

They didn't want me, the engine had gone on car number two hence them pulling alongside.
The men got out and looked amazed at the situation I'd like to tell you that they behaved well in their suits but in their laughing they used the F word loads.
I thought it was unnecessary.


I went to see the Dr. to tell her that since mid August I don't think I've had three days straight without feeling a bit under parr.
She got the full history and when I left her not only did I have a prescription for an ear infection but also the kind words saying that it was rare to suffer back to back infections but it was possible and that I would beat it and to try not being so upset. I forgot to mention lots of things but it's ok.

Apparently my thumping pulse in my neck is also normal for a minute I couldn't remember it pulsating so much and freaked slightly.

So occasionally I can't face the supermarket and that happened this weekend. Yesterday I scraped together a fab lunch for T but I knew that would be impossible today. No bread no pasta no nothing.
So this morning she was sent to school with water and some chopped apple for snack and I headed out for supplies and then P and I scooted up to the school with the box.

P wasn't so keen to leave without T and pined for her at the gate.

Refusing to leave the scooter park
She got stepped for throwing the scooter down
Round the corner she realised she wasn't going to be carried home
Things looked up when she found a wall just her size to play on

Nice gardens to walk by
Still doesn't want to be pulled on the scooter and the time is passing and it's not warm
A full row of white houses looked nice in the cold - not that you can really see that here
She likes wearing her hat like this and walking
She changed her mind again
Nice tiles at the pub. P played on the outdoor furniture for a while
Before falling over in the knit shop - Nice shoes though

She then fell over outside twice, full foot to chin falls as well.
I picked her, the scooter, the hat and the beads up and carried it all home.

She is asleep on the sofa. will finish this and then poke her see if she stirs.

I think I might fight off pneumonia next.
Shouldn't joke last time a said something similar I broke my ankle and landed in hospital.
It's nearly  a year ago.

I am frightened to post those last sentences but I will because it will be FINE


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the series of photos of P! SO like Ethel would be. My favourite moment capture is definitely the one of her melting down in the wool shop! I am also impressed with how narrowly she missed the dog mess on the pavement when lying flat on her tummy in one of them!

    Gorgeous coat, gorgeous shoes, GORGEOUS girl xx
