So this Saturday gone we were invited to a wedding reception that was to be family orientated and the bride had arranged for there to be a face painter for the children.
T has never had her face painted as I am anti social and never go anywhere where she would have had the opportunity to have it done.
She was itching to be painted, a big butterfly across the face, and you know, that's what she got.
On the way to the venue we got a flat tyre and had to go fill up at the petrol station which made us 45 minutes late. She was so good she didn't whine once but she did throw in a few Come On DAAAAD!
When we got there she stood next to that table and stood there like she was on duty she had a ticket, lucky number 7 but they were only painting number 4 I think it was the longest wait for her.
In my mind I was sure that the face painter was only going to be there an hour and I wanted her to have it done so bad that I would have gone out of my mind and hired a painter just to make her day.
It was about half an hour after her face had been done that I clicked that she hadn't seen the butterfly because she didn't smile, talked with gritted teeth and freaked ever so slightly if someone brushed passed her. All her fears were laid to rest when she realised this paint was on and probably not coming off until the morning then she had a great time!
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