We drove here from Chatsworth we stay in a farm house which is stunning but full of mice, which I don't mind but I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO HOOVER UP THE DROPPINGS!! there I said it!
We have the whole house I love it.
We visit my Aunt and Uncle who are each older than oak but they have youthful mind and are charming and full of the fun that everyone likes. My cousin works at Durham Cathedral and takes us on a tour and the girls listen like they on a school trip.
They add bricks to the fund raising Lego, we have a great lunch in the restaurant which is filled with ladies who's hair is set and men who wear shirts ties and tweed. Love it.
We spend the afternoon at the family home, playing with puppets. I remember this horse from when I was a child. My Aunt shows me the family photos and tells me lots of stories. I have to choke back the tears because it is my Dads birthday and it is lovely.
This is a walk round the River Wear
G sees this building and says it would be perfect to live in and have a work shop.

I prefer this one!
More trips to the North needed it is agreed.
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