My first music festival. Close to home, small family orientated, recommended by good friend Pol.
Here are a few of the better pics in no particular order.
This was the contents of the Sussex Picnic on the Sunday, not the melons or bananas.
A whole chocolate cake too.
Amazing! and yes I have kept the polka oil cloth.
Complimentary train rides were available at certain times of the weekend.
You could start camping on the Friday, so I went with tent and set up whilst the girls were at school. It was awful rainy weather and my sheepskin boots have had it not to mention my back. You had to carry the stuff from the car park to the site, it felt like a couple of hundred meters but G said it was more like a mile.
There were tractors available but it was quicker to carry and sometimes I like the slog in life.
I came home, had a warming bath and then we got the girls and headed off. The weather was glorious for the rest of the weekend.
Wanna buy a cow for an African family?
(I've lost the link)
P wasn't leaving till this baby was milked, I think she spent two hours here happily squeezing.
Most kids activities included in the price.
Toddlers play tent.
Wandering round the grounds.
Family wandering
Music in the evening.
Best face painting ever.
T had two goes at this.
Love a bit of F1
This was the picnic on the Sunday and about as busy as it got.
So this is what I learnt.
I'd probably pack as little as possible because lugging anything unnecessary, and we didn't have that much, is a pain.
There is no way my girls, T especially could have had a go at all the activities, sports camp, music and art classes, hammocks, mini beast things, children's shows etc for the cost of her ticket elsewhere.
I didn't realise that some of these activities, such as tight rope walking were only available for one day and had I read the notice boards properly she would have done that too.
There were things for the younger ones too. There was a big 'front opening' tent for toddlers filled with crafts, painting, dressing up, story time but it was really badly run but a couple of ladies who were struggling to stay 'on it' they seemed a little too chilled in an environment where young minds needed occupying all the time.
As a parent you could hang out on the grass and watch your child roam around this activity so in principle great idea.
G said there was only one beer counter which actually was amazing because it had everything he wanted and he didn't have to wait long to be served. All the food wasn't too badly priced especially when you think these people are running a business and need to make some money.
The ticket gave entrance to the motor museum and wildlife park, we saw the cars but ran out of time to see the flamingos. There are proper toilet facilities within the museum which is great because sometimes us larger ladies need a bit of space and the portaloos were a bit of a squeeze.
Note about portaloos, difficult to manage more than one child and one mother actually took her two children in whilst one was eating an ice cream. holy Fuck, what was wrong with the woman. AND in such a situation why do people leave their rubbish in the cubicle.
I've not missed anything not going to a music festival. I am just not that relaxed!
So that part of my ticket was probably wasted.
There was a great band on the first evening but due to the heavy lifting earlier in the day I went to bed and missed out. I am glad we saw some of the acts but in future I think I will read the line up and do some You Tube research so I can plan better because when you get it right it's all worth it.
Would we go again? Definitely. But not every year. It is value for money for the right age group but it takes a chunk out of the summer holiday budget.
Good time had by all thank you very much for the experience.
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